Shakes the Clown Movie Review

A Bobcat Goldthwait comedy... bet'cha didn't see that one coming, eh? Shakes the Clown is written, directed by and starring Bobcat as Shakes, a clown with a drinking problem. However, his problems soon begin to multiply, and only a high speed chase and beating the crap out of some other clowns can result in him getting action movies a fabulous ca

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Hatchet Movie Review

What better way to ease into reviews that aren't Freddy or Jason movies than to look at a film that's a homage to the slasher legends of the 80s? To that end, this week's review is Hatchet, a story about a deformed killer in the swamps named Victor Crowly and the incredibly stupid teenagers that "fight back" in ways that look like they don't wann

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Nature Unleashed: Volcano - Decker Shado

A "blast" from the past, the Nature Unleashed series of movies from Nu Image were a special breed. Theoretically based on science, the need to make them larger than life stories tended to grant more than a little artistic license, which we see well on display in today's review of Nature Unleashed: Volcano. A man loses his wife, and travels t

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